Scholarship Application

Application Procedure

1) Read the Terms and Conditions to determine whether you can abide by them.
2) Complete the Applicant Questionnaire below.
3) Sign your name to signify that you agreement to the Terms and Conditions and that the information within your Application is true to the best of your knowledge.
4) Submit your most recent High School transcript using the file uploader below.
5) Submit three to six examples of your artwork. If you are a visual artist you may use the uploader below for image files. If you have larger file types such as audio or video clips, please contact and we will coordinate on the hand-off of a USB thumb drive or devise another means.
6) Ask three adults who who know you well to fill out Personal Reference Form Questionnaires. They can do this online or by filling out a .pdf – see buttons and instructions below.

The Scholarship Committee will be in touch with you upon receipt of your application and to follow up with any additional questions or requirements. You may be requested to attend a Village Art in the Park Board meeting for an interview.

Send this link to your Reference if they’d like to fill it out online.

Download this one if you’re going to print it out and hand it to your Reference.

Download this one if you’re going to email it to your Reference (it’s e-fillable).

Terms and Conditions

1. Each scholarship recipient is required to be enrolled at an institute of higher learning and pursuing a course of study that will lead to a major or minor in art. Scholarship recipients must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 and a minimum GPA of 3.0 in their art classes.

2. Each scholarship recipient is expected to visit Village Art in the Park a minimum of one time each year that they receive scholarship funds. This will be coordinated through the Village Art in the Park Director.

3. Scholarship payments (after the initial payment) will be made upon receipt of:

  • A request to renew their scholarship for the following year.
  • Proof of school registration detailing the art classes registered for.
  • A transcript or other official report of grades received the following year, on a per class basis.
  • A list of art related projects, activities, etc. that have contributed to your art education.

4. If a scholarship recipient fails to contact Village Art in the Park for a period of two years the scholarship will be terminated.



Which university, college or art school do you intend to attend?


You may want to compose your answers using a word processing application and then paste them in to the fields below.




I, the undersigned applicant for a Village Art in the Park Scholarship, hereby agree to meet the Terms and Conditions listed above. The information within my Application is true to the best of my knowledge I understand the scholarship will be subject to termination if the terms and conditions are not met.
Signature is required.
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 60

Be sure to hit the SUBMIT button above before you continue on to uploading your documents.

Use the following fields to upload your high school transcript and photos of your art, if applicable.


Submit your most recent academic transcript. An electronic version or a screenshot from your online account will be accepted.

An overall GPA of 2.5, with a GPA of 3.0 in art is required (if applicable).


Submit at least 3 images of your artwork to the Scholarship Committee.

If your submissions are of a different media type (audio or video), please email the Scholarship Committee ( and we’ll coordinate to collect a USB or devise another plan.




For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 33

The mission of Village Art in the Park is to produce and manage a quality seasonal art attraction in Leavenworth as a means to support art education and continued development of the arts in our community.

Village Art in the Park is a nonprofit corporation under section 501(c)(4) of the IRS code.
PO Box 261, Leavenworth, WA  98826