Safe Start
Stay Home & Stay Healthy is slated to expire as planned on May 31. However, that doesn’t put Chelan County into Phase 2. Under the new Safe Start plan, each WA County must apply to the WA State Secretary of Health for entry into Phase 2.
On June 1 the Chelan-Douglas Board of Health is holding a special meeting to discuss possibly submitting an application to move into Phase 2.
Here is the official Safe Start Plan. And there are some baby steps (ie, modified Phase 1) that could get approved without full entry into Phase 2. But for retail that would allow a 15% occupancy cap. And I have no idea what that would look like for Art in the Park, or if we would even be able to open in that situation.
Here’s the Chelan-Douglas Health District page – all of the current Chelan County COVID-19 numbers are here. There have been 97 cases reported/100,000 residents in the last 14 days (as of 5/28). The target for Phase 2 is <25, so we’ve got a ways to go.
If anything comes of the June 1 application to enter Phase 2, I’ll post the info here.