Front St. Closure

Front St. in downtown Leavenworth will be closed to vehicle traffic from now through Labor Day – all days of the week!

Here is an excerpt from the July 16, 2020 Community Letter from Mayor Carl Florea concerning the decision:

“The summer crowds are growing and are not limited to the weekends any more.  So, it is time to dial up our commitment to safety one more notch: Front Street will close for vehicles on a permanent basis for the next few weeks or months.  We have crafted a plan for deliveries in light of this closure- do not to worry if you get deliveries periodically.  You will notice that Front Street will not be opening back up on Monday.  We will keep that added pedestrian space available for the midweek crowds as well.  While we know that this comes with its own challenges, like getting deliveries made to the core businesses, we also know that these challenges can be overcome with all the creative and committed people who will help us find solutions.  Have we thought of everything?  Not likely.  Will tweaks and changes still need to be made?  Of course!  This remains a work in progress.  We think that the closure may go through Labor Day, but only time will tell.  We are truly all in this together.  And with businesses and residents all hoping for the same thing, a safe and active gradual reopening, let’s make it so together!”


And here is the full letter.